Un orasel romantic...apa, insule, poduri, oameni, sticla, pizza, tagliatele, spritz, barci, arhitectura deosebita, comert, moda, soare, vant, gradini, gondole...
marți, 28 aprilie 2009
Italian way:)
Every country has its own traditions and specific ways of doing things. A visit to Italy has shown me the "Italian way".
Some examples: lots of rules for everything/ eating, drinking , relaxing.
One cannot eat a sandwich and drink a cappuccino, no no no, that would be a blasfemy; or drink wine if u are willing to have a pizza later. Also any meat or real food at breakfast is out of question. Only a croissant, or a fruit/ that is enough.
Want to have lunch? Well only until one or after 4/ they need their resting time then, and everything is closed. So tired or not, just grab a little tiny sandwich and go sleep until Italian fun time comes.
U can say that rules are meant to be broken/ hm, tell that to an Italian. Spaghetti can be eaten only at specific moments and with the right sauce.Never any sour cream or God forbid ketchup.
When it comes to clothes they are the fashion gurus, that is for sure. They can be starving but they need to be fashionable. A mixture of superficiality and elegance wonders the streets and shops of Italian cities. Lots of metrosexuals, masculine dolls walking around the Latin streets .
Their level of civilization is supposed to be higher, at least than Ro, or so they say. If I consider the garbage disposal system, I would say they have skipped this civilization lesson.
Of course I also have positive thoughts about Italy. I saw some spectacular sights, drank some good drinks, met some fine people. But for their rules, I might just have a sughestion: chill out!
Some examples: lots of rules for everything/ eating, drinking , relaxing.
One cannot eat a sandwich and drink a cappuccino, no no no, that would be a blasfemy; or drink wine if u are willing to have a pizza later. Also any meat or real food at breakfast is out of question. Only a croissant, or a fruit/ that is enough.
Want to have lunch? Well only until one or after 4/ they need their resting time then, and everything is closed. So tired or not, just grab a little tiny sandwich and go sleep until Italian fun time comes.
U can say that rules are meant to be broken/ hm, tell that to an Italian. Spaghetti can be eaten only at specific moments and with the right sauce.Never any sour cream or God forbid ketchup.
When it comes to clothes they are the fashion gurus, that is for sure. They can be starving but they need to be fashionable. A mixture of superficiality and elegance wonders the streets and shops of Italian cities. Lots of metrosexuals, masculine dolls walking around the Latin streets .
Their level of civilization is supposed to be higher, at least than Ro, or so they say. If I consider the garbage disposal system, I would say they have skipped this civilization lesson.
Of course I also have positive thoughts about Italy. I saw some spectacular sights, drank some good drinks, met some fine people. But for their rules, I might just have a sughestion: chill out!
marți, 7 aprilie 2009
Baba si mitraliera!
Asa si mamaie a mea( mamaia slovaca)! Numa k varianta mea s-ar chema laptopul si paharele de cristal. Ce stie mamaie de tehnologie? Pt ea azi dupa amiaza laptopul era un suport de pahare de cristal. Am zis k fac apoplexie cand am vazut:D.
Din fericire nu s-a soldat cu zgarieri sau nervi intansi la maxim!Uffff!
Din fericire nu s-a soldat cu zgarieri sau nervi intansi la maxim!Uffff!
vineri, 3 aprilie 2009
Yes cultura, niet batista!:)
Asa si eu traiti-ar!
Mi-am luat laptop! Mda! Yuppiiiii!
Informatiile mele in materie de tehnica si informatica sunt aproape nule, si in creierasul meu cred k e vid la capitolul asta. Stiam doar k vreau un laptop, sa am acces la info mereu si sa nu mai depinde de alte calc. Asa k am pus picioru in prag si am zis: vreau laptooop! Si mi-am luat! Cum?
Mai intai m bazait la cap o serie de oameni sa isi dea cu parerea care ar fi ok pt capacitatile mele( intelectuale si financiare), mai apoi am pus o alta serie de oameni sa faca o comanda pe net si sa vb cu lumea la magazinul slovac de calculatoare. Comanda facuta, nu mai ramanea decat sa o ridic. Asaaaaaa...! Urmatorul pas era sa fac rost de toti banii.....mmm, greut dar reusit!
Deci vointa da, bani...da, nu a ramas decat sa ma duc sa ridic laptopul de la magazin. Asa k intr-o dupa amiaza de miercuri am luat drumul magazinului de calculatoare.
Nu stiam exact unde e mag, nu stiam nici macar ce model comandasem. Am ajuns acolo si am zis k am si eu un laptop de ridicat. I-am aratat vanzatorului mailul cu comanada si el mi-a dat laptopul. Vreti sa verificati? Ce mama naibii sa verific ma gandeam? Era in cutie, mi-a aratat niste cifre, cica ala era. Oki, zic hai sa platesc. Am platit, fara birocratie, fara facturi/ un simplu bon de casa cu modelul calc si atat. Ca in filmele cu prosti ma simteam- da macar aveam laptopul acum. Nu a durat mai mult de 10 min, si asta pt k am decis sa cumpar niste dvd-uri la impresionare, sa nu zica lumea k nu stiu nimik despre tehnologie:)))))))ha ha!
Mi-am luat laptop! Mda! Yuppiiiii!
Informatiile mele in materie de tehnica si informatica sunt aproape nule, si in creierasul meu cred k e vid la capitolul asta. Stiam doar k vreau un laptop, sa am acces la info mereu si sa nu mai depinde de alte calc. Asa k am pus picioru in prag si am zis: vreau laptooop! Si mi-am luat! Cum?
Mai intai m bazait la cap o serie de oameni sa isi dea cu parerea care ar fi ok pt capacitatile mele( intelectuale si financiare), mai apoi am pus o alta serie de oameni sa faca o comanda pe net si sa vb cu lumea la magazinul slovac de calculatoare. Comanda facuta, nu mai ramanea decat sa o ridic. Asaaaaaa...! Urmatorul pas era sa fac rost de toti banii.....mmm, greut dar reusit!
Deci vointa da, bani...da, nu a ramas decat sa ma duc sa ridic laptopul de la magazin. Asa k intr-o dupa amiaza de miercuri am luat drumul magazinului de calculatoare.
Nu stiam exact unde e mag, nu stiam nici macar ce model comandasem. Am ajuns acolo si am zis k am si eu un laptop de ridicat. I-am aratat vanzatorului mailul cu comanada si el mi-a dat laptopul. Vreti sa verificati? Ce mama naibii sa verific ma gandeam? Era in cutie, mi-a aratat niste cifre, cica ala era. Oki, zic hai sa platesc. Am platit, fara birocratie, fara facturi/ un simplu bon de casa cu modelul calc si atat. Ca in filmele cu prosti ma simteam- da macar aveam laptopul acum. Nu a durat mai mult de 10 min, si asta pt k am decis sa cumpar niste dvd-uri la impresionare, sa nu zica lumea k nu stiu nimik despre tehnologie:)))))))ha ha!
miercuri, 1 aprilie 2009
I am not much of a fan of red colour!
I know red means passion, sometimes health or growth but like a simple colour it doesnt suit me so well.
Even so, having lost a bet with my friend, I dyed my hair red.
So, I am red-headed for now. It doesnt look so bad! I mean not awfull.
I feel like little red riding-hood:D
I know red means passion, sometimes health or growth but like a simple colour it doesnt suit me so well.
Even so, having lost a bet with my friend, I dyed my hair red.
So, I am red-headed for now. It doesnt look so bad! I mean not awfull.
I feel like little red riding-hood:D
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