joi, 23 iulie 2009

End of Intership:)

10 months have passed.
Looking back now it doesn't seem so much, but in the beginning I really thought it would be a big challenge.
I learned a lot of things, how to look at people, not be so judgemental, be more patient and rely more on me.
Last year my LC(local comittee Constanta) matched me for an ET intership, for teaching English in Slovakia, Spisska Nova Ves.So, in august 2008 I "landed" in Spisska Nova Ves to become the future "misses teacher otzeanu":)))
The beginning: hm- I was quite dissapointed- taking into account that the town is small and there weren't so many internationals around.
Cultural shocks: not very huge, our cultures are similar.
Some differences: I think Slovaks are slow thinkers, and that they are not as witty as Romanians. They are afraid of taking risks and they say they know stuff but then u realize they dont. Nevermind. The slovak food was also a little different and containing a lot of cabbage:)))
I was a little depressed when starting there. Also because I had some problems with the papers, due only to the lack of information( but when u are abroad everything tends to grow out of proportions) Everybody was telling me "don't panic Livy"-but of course I did. Then I got better.
I made new friends, aka a Hungarian boy who was also in an Intership there for two months. I must admit I really had fun with him, as we were travelling every weekend to some places.Also a girl from South Africa(Jaqui), she is great and she even visited Romania because she liked my best friend and me.:)Due to her, now I know there are lots of white people in South Africa:D
I was travelling almost every weekend, to my best friend in the Czech Rep. or to some places in Slovakia. I increased my network, I met interesting people and done some fun stuff.
I have also participated in some projects at school and I went with some students in gorgeous London.
One major experience was staying for 9 months with an old lady who was speaking only Slovak. I called her "grandma". She was really great: she was washing my clothes every week and sometimes she was even cooking for me. I had a nice time with her, we washed windows together:) She had a simple system to make me do smth: she just gave me the necessary tools and showed me what I had to clean or do:) Communication was difficult in the beginning, using a dictionary, but when I left, I could make simple conversation with her and I understood like 40% of what she was saying and showing me.
Communication wasn't very easy but I learned a lot from my colleagues and from my students.
My colleagues where great, they were my friends and my family there.
My students were quite polite and I consider them my friends, we both have a good memory of this experience.
The aiesecers there- they were friendly but I also had some minor conflicts, because of their organizing my coming there. But I had a nice time with them and I appreciate their help. I must admit some of them were very helpful and friendly.:)Thanks guys!
I liked being in another country so I decided to spend some more time in Sk, but in Bratislava.
Thanks AIESEC a lot for the opportunity of going abroud. The AIESEC network is just great! Really!
I advise everybody to take this kind of opportunity, it's a great experience!


luni, 6 iulie 2009

Leapsa cine sunt eu?

Preluata de la Santiaggo.

1. Daca ar fi sa fac un muzeu al propriilor mele accesorii sociale*, ce exponate as vedea pe raftul meu?

atitudinea "I dont give a fuck", zambete fortate, conversatii de complezenta

(*Accesorii sociale = Lucruri, relatii, oamenii, atitudini care nu ma definesc si de care m-am inconjurat pentru ca “asa trebuie”.)
2. De ce le mai tin inca in viata mea?

ma ajuta sa ma confrunt cu cei din jurul meu, sa imblanzesc fiara vietii

3. Care ar fi acele experiente, oameni, relatii, obiecte pe care le-as lua intr-o carte despre mine?

as lua toate experientele, bune si rele, cartea vietii mele ar fi fada fara toate in ea. am regrete si mandrii, am plans si am ras, asa k as lua totul. si daca sunt prea multe, eu vreau o enciclopedie:)

*** Leapsa merge mai departe la toti cei care citesc insemnarea asta. Daca n-ai blog, poti sa scrii intr-un comentariu. ***

Michael Jackson

O lume intreaga regreta un mare talent, o personalitate care si-a pus amprenta putrenic pe sufletele a catorva generatii. Nu am fost nicodata un fan infocat, insa apreciez melodiile lui. Melodiile mi-au placut f tare, nu imi placea de el k personalitate. Dar cine sunt eu sa judec? El trebuia sa faca fata atator provocari...
Oricum eram prea mica sa inteleg ce fenomen era el. Scriu despre el pt k am o amintire legata de "el" sa zicem, sau de numele lui.
Aveam o colega si prietena care era innebunita dupa el. Si aveam o poza cu el, era nebunia posterelor, pozelor in diferite ipostaze (si Michael era pe departe idolul toturor femeilor).Colega imi zce " da mie poza te rog"(k ea mititica era politicoasa din fire).Eu: "Hm, nu-ti dau nimik ea a mea". Ea: "da tie nu iti pasa, mie da" . Eu: "mda". Si am aruncat-o la gunoi, da in pubela mare. Ea a vrut sa o recupereze.Eu m-am enervat. Si uite asa ne-am certat noi legat de Michaek Jackson. Acum imi pare rau, inteleg mai bine fenomenul si il privesc cu alti ochi.
May he rest in peace!Respect for his work!

duminică, 5 iulie 2009


I have a lot of nerve to even start the subject.
But I was just thinking these days about this feeling, state of mind and soul, whatever u wanna call it. How do u achieve it?
Butterflies in the stomach, sleepless nights, laughs, tears?
It would be perfect to find the recipe- and than just add what it takes and have IT.
I guess it doesn't work like that: no, no, no! God forbid smth was simple in this life.
One must struggle, strive, fight......
Wish it was like maths: A+B=love. Take John, add Mary=get love. But u take John, Mary is pissed of cause she wants another Mary nowadays and the result is a big BULSHIT.Or ,u take John, add Mary and then John fucks up and instead of getting love....u get hate.
Mmmm, one has to work some tricks, do some magic or...... settle for smth in return like some kindness or ....


Imi plac unele bloguri extrem de tare.
Ma bucur k niste oameni creativi se decid sa scrie ce le debiteaza mintea numai pt k eu, cateva zile mai tarziu sa dau din greseala peste ce au scris ei si sa rad k bezmetica( sau dupa caz sa raman impresionata sau sa zic WTF?).
Comunicarea asta scrisa in spatiul virtual are si ea beneficiile ei: unii se exprima, altii se impresioneaza.
Descopar alte puncte de vedere si vad lumea k o mare autoservire: si imi aleg eu ce vreau! Azi vreau salata de bancuri de pe blogu' lu X-ulescu, mai pe seara vreau shaorma cu poezii de pe site-ul unui poet indragostit si dimineata vreau o cafea cu aroma de pamflet.
Scrieti baieti, orice numa' scrieti!!!