vineri, 26 februarie 2010


My flatmates are......flat I guess.

miercuri, 3 februarie 2010

To have the balls....

When coming to life matters, few people "have the balls" to take real life changing decisions.
It seems that one can only dream in front of his/er computer, at his lousy corporate desk that s/he might escape any patterns and just do whatever would make them happy. I don't say that everybody needs to take life changing decisions, its not about that. Its about facing reality on one side, dreams and hopes on the other side.
Day dreaming can get you out of daily routine, but it doesnt last. What lasts is making a change. Regardless of what people might say, or what can get wrong.
It sounds like a leap in the unknown, a bungy jumping from the cliffs of life. Whats the good part?
You get to challenge yourself, prove that u can be more than a dreamer, and became a doer.
I guess its just a matter of "having the balls" to take a turn in the great scene of life, otherwise, you can just ask yourself...what if?