sâmbătă, 29 martie 2008

the average man

we cannot all be spectacular, or at least out of common. originality is highly apreciated but not at everyone's hand.so, the average man is the man that you might find on the street, at work, in busses- almost everywhere. i encountered one of this kind of man this morning in the marvelous bus 40. ye, but what striked me at this man, was what he was talking about. it's not nice to listen to what others speak in the bus but i overheard ( anyway i had to do smth in the bus- easedopping seems fun in the morning ). this man sort of shocked me- only because i think his speach was one that many other average man like him have, especially on weekend days. so, this average man was going by bus and called his fiend( cause you see- average man all have cell phones to call their friends) .:
-"hey!what's up? do you happen to have that hair cutting machine by your place?
-hello dude. yes, i have it.
- oh, i am so glad. today you will nicely cut my hair. cause you see, Didi gave me 10 ron to have my hair cut. i have some money of my own, and i will buy a bottle of vodka. you will cut my hair and we will spend the mourning together.ok?
- super! come by my house.
-ok man, i'll be there in half an hour. bye bye!
- ok dude, bye!"
that's a sample of a conversation belonging to an average man. sad, i am telling you. with this sort of examples!!!:(

Un comentariu:

Stevee spunea...

I have to agree. I have lot of "friends" who live and speak like that. I thought, that these are men, everybody wants to spend his time with. Funny guys...
It seems like there are still people who are interested in things which do have a sense. You really are...